Stunt Work Skills:
- fights and fight choreography
- weapons and firearms, fire, falls
- SCUBA, water sports, boat driving
- precision driving, snow skiing,
- rappelling, rock and ice climbing
- horseback riding, billiards
To schedule a workshop
or find out where and when Courtney Faison
has a class that
you can attend --
Martial Arts, Self Defense, Fitness Training and Stunts
Courtney Faison is offering self-defense seminars and private martial arts training for all ages, sexes and skill levels. The instruction is based on survival in the event of a hostile situation. She teaches movement skills in all of the martial arts in which she is proficient. There is emphasis on extreme swiftness and thinking, physical application in combat, defensive mechanics and a peaceful mind.
Honors in Martial Arts:
- Chinese Goju Karate 5rd degree black belt
- Aikijitsu 2nd degree black belt
- Tae Kwon Do 3rd degree black belt
- Wing Chun Kung Fu Practitioner
- 1998 Martial Arts Hall of Fame Outstanding Instructor (World Sokeship Council)
- 2005 Martial Arts Hall of Fame Woman of the year (Budo International)
- North Carolina National Champion
Third Watch
Burn Notice
Under Dog
CSI Miami
Law & Order
Courtney Faison is a Martial Arts professional who has trained and taught Martial Arts for over 20 years and has appeared internationally on film and television and in magazines demonstrating her art and performing stunts for film and T.V. She is a fight choreographer for the television show Burn Notice.
Courtney has served as personal security/set and concert body guard for Barenaked Ladies, Avril Lavigne, Rosie Perez, Meg Ryan and Matthew Broderick. Courtney currently teaches private martial arts students at Crossfit Durham in Durham, NC.
Classes, Workshops Consultation Movie and TV Stunt Work
Movie/TV as Stunt Woman
and Fight Choreographer
for Film and Television
Conspiracy Theory Addicted to Love
The Replacements
Regis & Kelly
Scar City
To arrange to talk or meet with Courtney Faison about film or television stunt work --
Miami Vice
Bachelor Party II
Transporter II
Florida Dreams
Men in Black II
Courtney Faison with
Grand Master Ron Van Clief
and his wife, Simina
Contact Courtney Faison directly:
(917) 657-6246 or (919) 768-2133
Martial Arts Durham, NC Self Defense Durham, NC
(Wait for .pdf files to open.)
Join us for this three hour workshop taught by Martial Arts Hall of Famer and CrossFit Durham trainer Courtney Faison!
Appropriate for women of all ages and fitness levels.
No experience necessary!
This seminar will be very ready to move around!
What You Will Learn:
Basic Skills — How to Kick, Punch, Block, Sweep, and Fall
Self Defense Techniques For Women,
Weapons Self-Defense — Protect yourself from an assailant with a weapon
Floor Fighting — What to do if it goes to the ground
Space is limited to guarantee the best possible learning environment!